Have you ever seen a devastatingly fashionable girl, eyed up her bag and asked yourself, "I wonder what she's got in there?" Yeah, us too. Our voyeuristic sides delight in sneaking a peek at someone else's world.
Name: Sara
Location: Appleton, Wisconsin
Occupation: Attorney
In her bag: Wallet, gum (dragon breath scares clients), 3 different lip glosses/balms for every mood, free pens, business cards (collecting a lot of these lately!), camera, 2 pairs of sunglasses, and allergy pills.
Guilty Pleasure: Popcorn, heavily buttered
How her wardrobe has changed since becoming an attorney: Suits everyday is much different than my pre-attorney attire.
Style Icon: The professionally dressed JCrew models, who not only have awesome suits, but awesome shirts to go under the suits.