Dreary weather may create somber moods, but I love it. There's nothing better than cozying up in bed, listening to thunder and rain, or in my case, letting Lorrie Moore and the melodic tapping of my ancient G4 lull me to sleep during the first spring storm. Maneuvering treacherous elements in style requires a bit more finesse, but you needn't let cloudy skies keep you from looking bright.
Investing in rainy weather gear is a must for any urban dweller (or pseudo urban dwellers who rarely venture beyond their 10 block concrete playgrounds). Fashion forward rubber boots, candy-colored slickers and delightfully fun umbrellas keep you from focusing on how miserable it is if forced to venture beyond your bed. And with nearly every brand churning out adorable, not to mention affordable, accessories, your weather wear is an opportunity to punch it up and have fun.
My favorites:
Photos 'borrowed' from Mr Newton and Vogue