The Docket: 10.2.09

An Atticus Miracle

A special behind the scenes video of our first lookbook shoot and the unveiling of said masterpiece, was cause for a stylish celebration. Matching denim outfits, two ACNE flutter skirts and overflowing bottles of champagne aside, an incredible amount of work went into producing a compilation of the very best Fall 2009 has to offer.
Please indulge our version of liner notes: a special thank you to Alison and Jeff who worked their little fingers to the bone producing our gorgeous lookbooks. Thank you and apologies to Ric, our videographer, because anyone who can sort through 8 hours of me cooing (valley girl voice optional) "that looks SO good," and still create greatness, deserves more than a few drinks on me. Thank you to our lovely, professional and underage models who smiled politely despite our always inappropriate, very, ahem, adult comments. Thanks to JT, our generous neighbor for lending us an unimaginable amount of furniture and decor. And thank you to all of our near and dear shopboppers for the support, love and encouragement, our serato loving DJ for the perfect playlist, our new favorite Sunday night dinner companions and of course all of our friends and readers...Tim, we're looking in your direction.
As for the Atticus girls, we ended the night on quite a high note. One of us got in a brawl, one of us demonstrated the virtues of sharing, one of us woke up fully clothed the next morning, one of us shelved her impecabble common sense and learned that scandal looks good on everyone and at least one of us was a good girl and went home early to study.
We hope fall 2009 finds you, like us, energized, invigorated and inspired! If not, the spring party is right around the corner.
View the lookbooks here.
Notes on: Anna vs. Grace

Last night, the Atticus girls attended a screening of The September Issue. After 88 minutes of watching pin thin models and hearing harsh instructions from Anna Wintour to join a gym, we were more than eager to set down our giant sized Coca-cola Classics and give away our boxes of Sour Patch Kids. (Note: The feeling subsided about 15 minutes after leaving the theatre. So, Stephani and I proceeded to down a couple cocktails and munch on BLTs and leftover pizza until we fell asleep dreaming about Ms. Coddington’s flaming locks and Andre’s LV sweat towel.)
I will admit that while I’ve always preferred British Vogue to American and that I spent the majority of the film rooting for Grace Coddington to win every battle with the Editor in Chief, I woke up this morning with a newfound appreciation for Anna Wintour.
What I realized is that at the end of the day, Anna is just trying to run a business. She doesn’t have the luxury of asking for unlimited budgets or choosing to run an article or photo spread just because it’s beautiful or witty. Even though the documentary was shot in a far off utopia called 2007, it’s probably truer in today’s economy that Anna’s priority has to be selling ad pages and magazines. Sometimes she is forced to do this at the expense of appeasing her contributors and staff.
All I’ve been thinking about all day is Anna. I’ve even been secretly comparing myself to her. Granted in my world, fur, Mario Testino and Fiji water are more like denim, Jeff Monday and Ice Mountain. That being said, I often find myself having to shoot down all sorts of creativity, ideas and clothing lines because my scary and boring business owner side takes over. Even at my level, it blows being the one that has to bring everyone back down to reality. Although some may think that Anna is on a power trip, I’m going to throw it out there that maybe she’s lonely up there at the top all by herself. I mean, what do you think she’s thinking about as she’s gazing out over the Champs Elysees behind her immense sunglasses? I think she might be wishing that she were at home with Bee relaxing in her aquamarine Lacoste Polo rather than running a fashion empire.
It all comes down to the fact that Anna Wintour does what she was hired to do. It’s not her job to be charismatic or friendly or edgy. It is her job to be decisive, strong willed and successful, and she does it well. So, after much thought, I’ve decided that although Grace is enchanting and incredible at her craft, I’m casting my vote for Anna.
Who’s side are you on?
The Justification: What We've Been Waiting For