My family: both biological and the one I've assembled on my own. It's been a helluva year and I'm beyond lucky to find myself surrounded by creative, inspiring, amazing people.
Atticus (and it's owner, my darling Kiki) : my home away from home, even if I'm not allowed to lay on the couch when people come in to shop.
Blackberry Messenger: Drewser and I would perish without it.
Black leggings: I'd never leave the house if I had to wear actual pants.
Whiskey: even if it makes me habitually tardy and causes my boss to crack jokes about untreated alcoholism.
Alexander Wang, Vena Cava, Rodarte and Gary Graham: designers who still push boundaries, explore new territory and make me remember why I love fashion.
My standing Sunday afternoon dates: brunch, yardwork, pumpkin smashing, hopscotch, skateboarding injuries, terrible movies, the list could go on. Everything is better with my partner in crime.
The Silver Dollar and Le Tigre: no explanation needed.
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