Fortunately for you, this post is not about last Thursday's antics which resulted in getting so wasted that certain members of my social group called in sick to work, fell asleep on the job or in one particular case, someone was asked to go home early. In case the homonym escaped you, this post is about belts and showing off your waist. I'm not sure if it's the consumption of many a holiday treat or the fact that I have no core (according to my trainer), but my collection of expensive jeans has been shoved to the back of my closet and replaced with leggings, skirts and dresses. (Editor's note: I'm not actually blaming my current refusal to squeeze into tight jeans on any sort of weight gain, but rather on a sartorial shift in the universe.) Anyway, my new clothing choices have given me the chance to rediscover one of my favorite accessories: the belt. I've started quite the collection, and these are my top picks:
-Any belt from Madewell
I wasn't asked so much as I was told to go home. There's a difference!