New Year's Eve, with its seemingly endless possibilities, has always been my favorite holiday. I’m drawn to the romantic idealism of a night where anything can happen and come morning, everyone's slate is wiped clean. Most people say they never keep resolutions, so they've long stopped making them, and although I tend to fall into this camp, I still relish choosing them every year. There are the ones that should be no-brainers (hypothetically speaking of course): don’t make out with someone’s boyfriend or stop having my paycheck direct deposited into the local drinking establishment below my apartment. Then there are the ones I actually want to keep, resolutions to inspire and bring hope that the coming year will be better than the last. This year I’m focusing on three things.
Appreciate Beauty: Not to get all Zen and one with the universe, but I think engrossing myself in the world outside my head will be a powerfully welcome change. Instead of continuing to overlook the delightful randomness of each day, I want to revel in the genuine, happiness-inducing moments. My extremely talented friends: photographers, artists, writers, chefs and designers, each chip away at their own masterpieces everyday. Whether it’s savoring home-made frittatas on Sunday mornings, recording monumentally obscure inside jokes to be used as fodder for my great American novel (“It all comes from the same place anyways”), admiring the craftsmanship of incredible denim or just supporting my favorite starving artists by keeping their shot glasses full, this resolution won’t be difficult.
Work Harder: Consuming more than just coffee and a half a pack of Parliament Lights before 5 p.m. on a daily basis would be a good start. And yes, the amount I’m able to accomplish considering my embarassingly minimal effort is astounding, but double or triple that and I’ll be on my way to where I actually want to go.
Punctuality: This was not a resolution I made, but instead one made for me by my extraordinarily patient boss. I better take it seriously.
What are your New Year’s resolutions?
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