Name: Bekah Hunt
Age: 28
Occupation: "Real job": web editor for uwalumni.com; other job: honorary Atticus Girl/writer
Hometown: I'll never tell...shhh
Barcelona, New York City, high tea, my bed and the Wild sisters (depending on the day...generally I love both too much to choose)
Guilty pleasure?
None! Down with guilt, embrace what you love!
Last concert you attended?
Does a DDK show count? Otherwise it was Edward Sharpe way back in November.
First thing you give up when money is tight?
Nothing. I find the money somehow.
Favorite line at Atticus?
Loeffler Randall and T by Alexander Wang-super excited about Rag&Bone/Jean!
Favorite designers?
Anyone innovative, so right now Gary Graham, Rag&Bone, Rodarte, Vena Cava and VPL
Favorite shoes?
Snakeskin Loeffler Randall boots
Name: James Tye
Age: 38
Occupation: Man about town
Hometown: Madison
Favorites Include:
Lake Mendota, Tornado Room, expresso and Details magazine
Who inspires you?
My parents
First thing you do when you wake up?
Last concert you went to?
One thing you could never give up?
My hair stylist
Favorite jeans?
How would you describe your style?
Preppy with a touch of new urbansim
Who is your style icon?
Tom Ford
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