
In the Bag: Very Special Guest Edition

Moms love and support us no matter what we do. If I do say so myself, I'm blessed to have one of the best. Even if she doesn't always love the decisions I make, (see also: everything I've ever written) she's always been there for me 100%. This includes her devoted following of the atticusshop blog. So when she composed and sent me her very own In the Bag post, I was delighted and proud of her hard work. Without further ado, for your viewing enjoyment:
Name: Barb
Location: Green Bay, WI
Occupation: Retired school teacher
Bag: Golden honey, handmade bag from Altai Leather in Jerome, AZ
In her bag: Nine West wallet, turquoise leather (also Altai) zippered pouch for those miscellaneous goodies, toothpicks, emery boards, lip balm, mini screwdriver for glasses, nostalgic gum flavors, glasses case for those handy clip on lenses, cleaning fabric, car keys, trac phone, fabric swatches, pens and fruit snacks and a hand knit Peruvian finger puppet to keep her favorite granddaughter happy.
Favorite place on earth: Oak Creek Canyon hike, Sedona AZ
Favorite place to shop: any quilt shop; for clothing: Steppes in Sedona, AZ
Guilty Pleasure: Godiva Chocolate Raspberry Bar
Can't live without: Books
Favorite cocktail: Tequila Sunrise (editor's note: yeah barb!)

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