
Notes On: Dressing for the Occasion

Holidays exist to remind us of the things we sometimes forget. For instance, Thanksgiving reminds us that we should be grateful for what we have each day, Valentine’s Day reminds us to say I love you to our favorites on a regular basis and most importantly, Halloween reminds us that what to wear should always be a conscious decision. When choosing a Halloween costume, there are three very important factors:

1. Weather

2. Appropriate footwear

3. Looking sexy, not slutty

A good dresser takes these factors into account daily, which is probably the actual reason that Halloween was created. So, in the name of fashion, you can forget about Satan, witches and above all candy. (Just kidding about the last one.) Those who forget about the three factors never cease to look like fools. Think about the girl who manages to dress up as some variation of a playboy bunny year after year. She always ends up getting frost nip on her midriff, having to carry her sky-high porn star heels home and I don’t need to spell out factor #3 for you. I think we can all agree that this does not equal sexy. You’ll be much better off if you dress for the frigid temps (i.e. choose a costume that requires a cape or hat), always choose appropriate footwear and go for something that leans more toward coquette rather than blatant whore (like Dorothy instead of Little Bo Peep). Now, good readers, remember to keep these factors in mind every day that you get dressed. Do not wear a strapless white dress when it’s 55 degrees just because it’s after Memorial Day. Do not wear strappy heels ever when it’s below freezing outside unless you’re wearing tights. Do not wear shorty shorts to your bf’s parent’s house for dinner even if his brother is super hot. Happy Halloween!

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